Sunday, August 31, 2008

Regeneration and Reconciliation.

Parents? Do you know that your children get extra points if they bring their Bibles to Promiseland? Please encourage them to bring them with them. They are learning their way round the Bible with the game 'Race to the Place'.

You can even play this one at home with them! Ask them about it.

Yes it was the same memory verse again this no excuses for not knowing it!

This time Auntie Lourdes had pictures and words on boxes that had to be sorted into the right order. Neat job ..thanks!
Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person.
The past is forgotten; and everything is new.
2 Corinthians 5:17.

The girls had been very industrious again producing good pictures.

Some were too tied up to be able to do much else.

Remember the 4 R's?
REDEMPTION:Jesus paid the price so i can come to God.
REPENTANCE: Being sorry enough to quit my wrongdoing.
REGENERATION: I am a new creation. I am born again.
RECONCILIATION: Being God's friend.

This is what salvation is.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Welcome to Promiseland it says behind these 2 happy faces.

Elizabeth proud of her artwork this Sunday.
A budding drummer under the tutelage of Uncle Matthew and Uncle Ross.

Lots of kids line up to donate money for our sponsored child Joshua.

Auntie Dee taught the memory verse this week by hanging each word out to dry!
And the verse was........???

"Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person.
The past is forgotten, and everything is new."
2 Corinthians 5:17.
Uncle John, with the help of 3 mime artists, told us the story of the son who asked his father to give him his half of the inheritance and then went away and spent it all. Yes every single cent until he had nothing left. He found himself feeding pigs and was so hungry he wanted to eat what the pigs were eating. He realised he had been a fool and went back and said he was sorry to his father for all the foolish things he had done. But the father had always been on the lookout for his son and when he saw him coming home, he ran to greet him.
This is how God reacts in love towards us when we come to him in Repentance.
Repentance means being sorry enough to quit.

Monday, August 11, 2008

We're Back

Yes Promiselanders were back in action this week. Anyone accidentally walking in would wonder how so much fun can be had by so many in a church! Yes a church! Mental stimulation!
Artistic creation!
Oh yes...the computer nerds of course!

and the industrious.....
the glamorous.....

and the boys who will be boys!

Kara helped the band with the songs this Sunday.

We were then introduced to 4 big words

Do you recall the story of the 2 old friends? One became a judge and the other appeared before him as a criminal. The judge had to find him guilty and have him put in jail. But then he took of his robes and went and paid the fine for his friend so the friend could go free.
That's what Jesus has done for each of us.
Auntie Heather had Bartholomew help her tell the story of Jesus and his death on the cross. We thought of the 2 thieves crucified on either side of Jesus and how one made a good choice that day and the other made a bad choice. We all have to choose at some point whether we will follow after Jesus, and ask his forgiveness for all we have done wrong.