Monday, June 25, 2007

Promiseland takeover !

Once a year the Promiselanders take over the main church service to show everyone what happens at the other end of the church where all the action usually is! We hope you enjoyed the experience. It is good to share what we do with this children each Sunday and give you a small taste of the good things we do together.
The Promiseland band helped to set the mood as they warmed up while everyone was finding their teams and starting on the worksheet. Good to see grandparents sharing the morning with their grandchildren!

Once everyone is settled we are off! Katie leading in worship as everyone joined in.

Then each team sent a representative to read a passage of scripture, with a prize for the best and most exciting reading.

Here is the eventual winner! WELL DONE!
And the memory verse this week was........
Can you remember it yet ???
Auntie Heather was our compere again on "THE SHOW YOU KNOW POP QUIZ"

With contestants from "the Miracles" team
And contestants from "the God Squad" team.Who won? It was a draw!
The Promiseland leaders shared a simple illustration of the story of salvation with the congregation. We learned that this world has one major fault....SIN...and Jesus came to earth to be the sacrifice for our sin. Now because of Jesus' love for us, we don't need to give God sacrifices like they did in the Old Testament. When Jesus died he was the perfect sacrifice, the only one we would ever need. Because of Jesus' sacrifice, we can ask for forgiveness of our sins. If you have never asked Jesus' to forgive your sins before about doing it now?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Jesus....both God and Man.

Time for plenty of fun and friendship as we once again gathered together to worship the Lord with the children in Promiseland.

I would say Paul had just won a game of Connect four.....what do you think???
Everyone enjoys when the singing with the Promiseland band gets underway......this Sunday we sang "Jesus, Jesus" and.... "in the the quiet place"....

Auntie Heather was standing in for Auntie Debbie (hope you had a good relaxing weekend away Auntie Debbie!). These were our birthday girls for the week! Talking of birthdays...congratulations to Haydn Bird....who became an uncle this week! Way to go Haydn! Uncle John taught us actions to the memory verse .....which was....?
Yes ! Well done!
"I and the Father are one." John 10:30.
Then everyone got involved in the "Show you Know Pop Quiz" (ok.....try saying that quickly 5 times). The questions were to clearly show us that Jesus was both God and Man. The children worked as a team and got all the questions right! Jesus felt all of the things that we feel as people. But Jesus was also God. He had all the power of God. Remember to come back next week when we are going to talk more about Jesus in the main church in Promiseland takeover Sunday!

The Promiseland Power Buck shop was open today.....very popular!! Thank you to all those who contribute to keeping the shop this well stocked. Needless to say once the boys and girls had been was not looking quite like this!!!!! How many power bucks for the BBQ Auntie Debbie???