Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Road to Jerusalem.

Quite an exciting morning was had by all the church on Sunday when Promiseland joined with the main congregation to portray a little of the steadfastness of Jesus as he set his face to go to Jerusalem. What a privilege to be part of the story of the "Coming of the King".
The Promiseland band led in worship today and did a great job. There was a lot of excitement and bustle in the foyer as the children waited with their palm branches to welcome the King.
Here is Paul, full of mischief as usual, and Jessica behind him, waiting patiently!Once in church the children laid their palm branches down just as those who welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem all those many years ago would have done. And they waited for the King to come.

Jesus had quite a few things he had to do this week leading up to his crucifixion and nothing out him off course. He went into the Temple and there found the money changers back in the entrance court making money out sacrifices that the people were offering to God. Jesus took a whip and cleared them all out saying..."It is written, my house will be a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of robbers."

The children enjoyed teaching their new songs to the church.

Later Eliezer's wife came looking for him to tell him how she had seen Jesus entering the city on the back of a donkey....the King has come she said. What King? Caesar? asked Eliezer. No! our King, she said..."the King of the Jews".
Is Jesus your King today?

Monday, March 19, 2007

Jesus is Risen!

We are coming to the end of our time in the Jerusalem Marketplace. Each one has enjoyed learning about different aspects of Jerusalem in the time of Jesus. Ask your children what they have enjoyed most about the last few weeks. ( I think quite a few will say sharing the lovely bread together!!)

Unfortunately the camera settings had been accidentally changed so not too many photos this week...sorry kids. :(

But here are some of the Hebrew letters that a number of Promiselanders enjoyed copying under the tutelage of Rabbi Matthew.

Our thanks to all the ladies who ran stalls in the marketplace for everyone to enjoy.

The marketplace was once again disrupted by Mary running around looking for Peter. She was in such an excited state, running around and jumping up and down, with a huge smile on her face. Eventually she found Peter hiding in a corner. "JESUS IS ALIVE" she shouted to Peter. Peter looked doubtful. He is ! Mary said. I've seen Him! Come Peter and see the empty tomb.
Later in our Tribe times we discussed how Mary must have felt. How thrilled, and excited. Wasn't it just wonderful that Jesus was alive! And what did that mean to us today! It was a great discussion.

Parents please remember we would like the children slightly earlier on Sunday 25th March as they will be taking part in the main service that day.

Also each year group will be having a special outing with their leaders on Sunday April 1st. Can you please return the indemnity forms that your child should have brought home last week.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Jerusalem Marketplace.

Have you been wondering what lies behind the sign to the Jerusalem market place?......well this is where the children of Promiseland have been spending their Sunday mornings recently.
Rabbi Levi has kept various students busy as they visit him for their Hebrew lessons. Not too sure how a pink cowboy hat fitted into Jerusalem Charlotte :) but you sure suited it anyway!
We have visitors of all ages in the marketplace! Hi Nathan!

Looks as though things were busy at the pottery stall this week ...look at all the pottery left out to dry.
And the bakery stall is always popular! And the smell of fresh bread............yummmmmmm!
Pestles were kept busy at the Herb and Spices stall.
Into the middle of all this hustle and bustle came someone chasing the disciple Peter. The pursuer accused Peter of being a follower of Jesus, he was sure that he had seen Peter at the cross when Jesus was crucified. You must be a Jesus Follower! Peter kept on denying he had ever known Jesus.
Why did they kill Jesus?
Why did Peter say he didn't know Jesus?
What do you think will happen to Jesus' friends?

The Promiseland band led us in some songs again... everyone loves singing "Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus."

Don't forget your money for our sponsored child...Joshua. Auntie Heather appears to be handing out lots of priority stickers to those who had remembered.
Afterwards in Tribe time, those in the Tribe of Judah got down to reading and drawing pictures in Jerusalem News. Can you see the Havdalah candle burning in the centre?
They look like this....before they are lit.

Hope you have enjoyed visiting with us again.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Jerusalem Market place

It was as busy as ever in the Jerusalem merket place this Sunday! Much hustle and bustle and some tourists stopping by to see the sights.....would you believe!....yes even one with a video camera! But it didn't distract our weaver as you can see.....very intent on her work here. Jacob was learning the Hebraic alphabet from Rabbi Levi and doing a great job at copying them down.
3 ladies dressed in the latest Jerusalem fashions were found around the well chatting as all good ladies do!
Many people were busy with their hands making pottery items here.......
and little sachets of spices here.....my! it smells good.
A commotion in the centre of the square found a very distressed James calling for Mary to let her know how Judas, who he had always thought was his friend!...yes, Judas, had brought soldiers to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was praying....( he asked me to pray too, Mary, but I fell asleep)......and Judas kissed Jesus.... a sign to let them know who to arrest. Arrest! said Mary. They have arrested Jesus! Oh no! that cannot be.....and James and Mary left to tell others what had happened to Jesus.
Here is Year 6 celebrating the Sabbath together in the "upper room". It looks as if they are having a great time!

Everyone really enjoys the new songs we are learning and the dance and actions that go with them. Thanks to the Promiseland band again for teaching them to us.
I wonder what will happen in Jerusalem next week??? You had better come and see!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Better late than never!

We paid a visit to each small group during Tribe Time at the Jerusalem Market Place this past Sunday.

Year 4's belong to the tribe of Judah and their symbol is the Lion.

The Year 2's learnt all about Jewish customs from Rabbi Levi (Matthew Sherborne) and Lourdes Sherborne. Here they are learning about the Havdalah candle that is lit to symbolise the separation between the end of the Sabbath from the rest of the week. The year 3's belong to the tribe of Joseph and enjoy meeting with their tribe leaders Auntie Hilary and Auntie Yvonne.
Here we can see the Tribe of Asher. Small group David Finlay is holding up their banner.

The Year 5's learnt about the Shema that is kept in the Mezuza. Their tribe leaders are Auntie Lorraine and Amir.
Who can remember what the mezuza means?

Can you recite the Shema?

We will have to see what the Year 6's are up to next week!

C U there!