Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Your Mission should you choose to accept Pray.. part two.

This week we were missing so many leaders from Promiseland.....they were away at a Kidsreach seminar picking up new ideas for us to do in the weeks ahead. Auntie Gill came back with two great crafts for the kids to do.....they could either make a stained glass window with using the outline of their hand to start it .....or they could make a special bookmark. Thanks Auntie Gill.....everyone had a great time trying these crafts out. See everyone is getting involved!
Here's how to make the bookmark.

And here is how to start off your "stained glass window".

Uncle Ross has recently had a book he wrote he is proudly showing off a copy.

At the other side of the room those without crafty intent preferred to play games

Then it was time to sing again with the Promiseland band......some look a little unsure....

Auntie Lorraine was standing in for Auntie Debbie today and did a wonderful job.
Each year group was asked to sign the memory verse for today as a reminder that each of us can call on God at any time and he promises to answer.
Then we were challenged to accept the mission that was delivered by this shady character......

in this special overnight delivery box......

It was a coded message.....each group got down to it......some had the answers worked out before others had opened the envelope....
hope you all ended up with the right answers.....
We were reminded that God promises to answer our prayers.....but sometimes the answers are not always "Yes" as we would wish. Sometimes God says No (red light) or wait (amber).

In the small groups the children were told about Jonah's prayer in the whale, about Mary & Martha asking Jesus to heal Lazarus and then the prayer that Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Can you see if you remember what the answer to these 3 prayers were and tell your mum or dad?
Parents it was really neat to have more children pray themselves in the small group times.....keep encouraging them at home to make prayer part of their regular daily practice.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Lord's Prayer.

Fun and games as everyone gets together for Promiseland. This week as we concentrate on prayer with the kids, the leaders show the way by example, as they pray for the kids and the programme before they start.
The Promiseland band encourages everyone to come and sing and worship the Lord together.

Here Auntie Heather teaches the children the shortest memory verse excuses for not remembering it this week! OK?....what is it?
Yes! "Pray continually." Found in 1 Thessalonians5:17. All the time, every day and night, God wants us to talk to him. We can pour out our hearts, cry, sing, reason or laugh. But amazingly God just wants to hear from us. Have you talked to God today?

And DATA stands for?.......look at these bright models trying to help jog our memories....
Jesus taught his disciples to pray using "the Lord's Prayer", and you can remember how to pray by using "DATA".
D escribe God
A sk for forgiveness
T hank God
A sk for things we need. So this week....think of someone you could pray for. OK?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's day

We commenced as always with a time of praise and worship with the Promiseland band leading us. Here some volunteers are doing the actions to "In the Secret"..... get your kids to teach them to you..... In The Secret lyrics
In the secret, in the quiet place
In the stilness You are there.
In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait,
Only for You,'cos I want to know You more;

I want to know You,
I want to hear Your voice
I want to know You more.
I want to touch You,
I want to see Your face
I want to know You more.

Everyone then got down to the business of the day which was to make a gift for thier mum's.

Happy Mother's Day to all those mum's out there. We hope you enjoyed the gift and that it reached you safe and sound. You do an amazing job bringing up your family to know and love Jesus and we are thrilled to be part of that with you. Enjoy the love and concentration that went into the gift making in the following photos!

M arvellous
O utstanding
T errific
H eartwarming
E nergetic
R reliable

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Your mission should you chose to accept it.....

Good to have the Promiseland Band leading us off again in worship today. Everyone enjoyed the singing and worshipping the Lord together. Great to have such enthusiastic singers .....thanks girls.

Auntie Hilary brought us the memory verse today. In the main church the parents were talking about "Confession is good for the soul" and we were learning that if we confess our sins God has promised to forgive us. Remember to learn the memory verse this can earn a "Power Buck" next week if you can say it to your small group leader.
Uncle Matthew took us through the story of the ungrateful servant, who though the King had forgiven him a HUGE debt, found it impossible to forgive his fellow servant who owed him a minor debt by comparison. He also told us about Peter who thought he was so good because he would forgive his brother 7 times! What did Jesus say in reply? He said you need to forgive 7x70...which Charlotte (our resident mathematician) said was 490 times!! That's a lot of times isn't it! So Jesus was telling us that we need to forgive and keep forgiving. That can be hard at times can't it?
We did very well in the quiz found below! All the boys and girls had been listening well. Now our mission ....if we chose to accept it forgive others.