Sunday, October 28, 2007

As easy as ABC!

Having fun at Promiseland is as easy as ABC......but that is not this week's FLIP!

Avoiding the limelight is as easy as ABC as our powerpoint girl of the day proved.....but that wasn't this week's FLIP.

This week's memory verse was?
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son
that whoever believes in Him shall not perish
but have eternal life. John 3:16

Uncle Matthew showed us that it doesn't matter how much we sin and mess up we all look the same to God. But God sent his son Jesus to be our Forever Friend.

Knowing what your friends preferences are wasn't quite as easy as ABC.....but we are getting closer to this week's FLIP
YES! Being friends with Jesus is as easy as ABC.
ADMIT (to Jesus that you have done wrong things.)
BELIEVE (that Jesus is the Son of God and he can forgive your sins)
CHOOSE ( to follow Jesus with your whole life.)

The children were given the opportunity to make that FLIP.....and a simple prayer was prayed to give them the chance to make Jesus their Forever Friend. Some of the children prayed that for the first time. There would be much rejoicing in heaven!

Watch the video of the Promiseland band as they led worship this week.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Stop and Stand.

Promiseland got under way again this week, everyone seemed happy to be back. There were some industrious artists.

And plenty of odd characters around!

We began by worshipping the Lord together along with the band.

Julia was the only birthday girl this week.
Auntie Heather reminded us that we were collecting cereal and snack bars for the Auckland City Mission. So lets see if we can fill the bags up! OK?

The memory verse this week was taught by Auntie Anne. Can you remember the story she told about the verse?
Joshua 1:9
Be strong and courageous!
Do not tremble or be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Auntie Heather had a fun game for us called "Stand Up"
It was fun watching as various children tried to stands up on the big balls! Why was it so hard? Because it wasn't balanced! And sometimes life is like that too. Standing up for what is right can be difficult when others are doing something wrong. The video we watched told us of a time Jesus stood up for what was wrong in the temple, when he overturned the moneychangers tables. Like Jesus we need sometimes to "Stop and Stand".

So have you got it?
This week's FLIP is