Quite an exciting morning was had by all the church on Sunday when
Promiseland joined with the main congregation to portray a little of the steadfastness of Jesus as he set his face to go to Jerusalem. What a privilege to be part of the story of the "Coming of the King".
Promiseland band led in worship today and did a great job.

There was a lot of excitement and bustle in the foyer as the children waited with their palm branches to welcome the King.

Here is Paul, full of mischief as usual, and Jessica behind him, waiting patiently!

Once in church the children laid their palm branches down just as those who welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem all those many years ago would have done. And they waited for the King to come.

Jesus had quite a few things he had to do this week leading up to his crucifixion and nothing out him off course. He went into the Temple and there found the money changers back in the entrance court making money out sacrifices that the people were offering to God. Jesus took a whip and cleared them all out saying..."It is written, my house will be a house of prayer; but you have made it a den of robbers."

The children enjoyed teaching their new songs to the church.

Eliezer's wife came looking for him to tell him how she had seen Jesus entering the city on the back of a donkey....the King has come she said. What King? Caesar? asked
Eliezer. No! our King, she said..."the King of the Jews".
Is Jesus your King today?