Sunday, March 11, 2007

Jerusalem Marketplace.

Have you been wondering what lies behind the sign to the Jerusalem market place?......well this is where the children of Promiseland have been spending their Sunday mornings recently.
Rabbi Levi has kept various students busy as they visit him for their Hebrew lessons. Not too sure how a pink cowboy hat fitted into Jerusalem Charlotte :) but you sure suited it anyway!
We have visitors of all ages in the marketplace! Hi Nathan!

Looks as though things were busy at the pottery stall this week ...look at all the pottery left out to dry.
And the bakery stall is always popular! And the smell of fresh bread............yummmmmmm!
Pestles were kept busy at the Herb and Spices stall.
Into the middle of all this hustle and bustle came someone chasing the disciple Peter. The pursuer accused Peter of being a follower of Jesus, he was sure that he had seen Peter at the cross when Jesus was crucified. You must be a Jesus Follower! Peter kept on denying he had ever known Jesus.
Why did they kill Jesus?
Why did Peter say he didn't know Jesus?
What do you think will happen to Jesus' friends?

The Promiseland band led us in some songs again... everyone loves singing "Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus."

Don't forget your money for our sponsored child...Joshua. Auntie Heather appears to be handing out lots of priority stickers to those who had remembered.
Afterwards in Tribe time, those in the Tribe of Judah got down to reading and drawing pictures in Jerusalem News. Can you see the Havdalah candle burning in the centre?
They look like this....before they are lit.

Hope you have enjoyed visiting with us again.