Monday, March 05, 2007
Jerusalem Market place
It was as busy as ever in the Jerusalem merket place this Sunday! Much hustle and bustle and some tourists stopping by to see the sights.....would you believe!....yes even one with a video camera! But it didn't distract our weaver as you can see.....very intent on her work here.
Jacob was learning the Hebraic alphabet from Rabbi Levi and doing a great job at copying them down.
3 ladies dressed in the latest Jerusalem fashions were found around the well chatting as all good ladies do!
Many people were busy with their hands making pottery items here.......
and little sachets of spices! it smells good.
A commotion in the centre of the square found a very distressed James calling for Mary to let her know how Judas, who he had always thought was his friend!...yes, Judas, had brought soldiers to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus was praying....( he asked me to pray too, Mary, but I fell asleep)......and Judas kissed Jesus.... a sign to let them know who to arrest. Arrest! said Mary. They have arrested Jesus! Oh no! that cannot be.....and James and Mary left to tell others what had happened to Jesus.
Here is Year 6 celebrating the Sabbath together in the "upper room". It looks as if they are having a great time!