The Promiseland band led in worship today and did a great job.

A place to share activities and a photo journey through the year with our Promiseland children.
Parents please remember we would like the children slightly earlier on Sunday 25th March as they will be taking part in the main service that day.
Also each year group will be having a special outing with their leaders on Sunday April 1st. Can you please return the indemnity forms that your child should have brought home last week.
We paid a visit to each small group during Tribe Time at the Jerusalem Market Place this past Sunday.
Year 4's belong to the tribe of Judah and their symbol is the Lion.
The Year 5's learnt about the Shema that is kept in the Mezuza. Their tribe leaders are Auntie Lorraine and Amir.
Who can remember what the mezuza means?
Can you recite the Shema?
We will have to see what the Year 6's are up to next week!
C U there!