Paul is trying to find his way to the Flipside!

Looks as if Uncle John has FLIPT!

MY! Someone is doing well with Priority stickers for bringing money for Joshua ....Promiseland's sponsored child. Better get that Power Buck shop well stocked Auntie Debbie!

Everyone finds something to enjoy at the beginning of Promiseland.

Promiseland band had everyone jumping and enjoying praising God together.

We had 2 birthdays this week.....Andrew and Auntie Yvonne.

Ross taught us this week's memory verse using "Pass the Parcel".....

And those who won a lollipop also got to hold one of the sheets of the memory verse.

It was:-
When we trust him, we are free to say whatever needs to be said,
bold to go wherever we need to go.
Ephesians 3:12.

Fun was had in a "Stick to the Truth" game. We learnt that horrid things said to us can "stick". But these things aren't true. If we let ourselves get FLIPT by Jesus, we can have confidence in who we are.
So this week.....
What's the FLIP?
Here's the FLIP