We missed Auntie Debbie and all the Promiseland band members who had deserted us for Snow Camp this week. We managed to enjoy ourselves as you will find in the following photos....and we hope you had a great time also.

Auntie Heather and Auntie Mehrnaz were keeping all under control!
Promiseland band.......watch out! You had major competition from Auntie Lorraine who got us all dancing and singing .....see everyone got involved!
As if that was not enough exercise Auntie Heather and Uncle John paired everyone off then put us through major contortions as we learnt the memory verse. Kids?....show your parents what to do and teach them the memory verse too.
Uncle John showed off his muscles in an effort to persuade us to put our lives in his hands in the

We watched a video of a young girl learning to water ski.....and heard the story of Peter and how when Jesus walked out on the water to the disciples in the boat.....Peter got out and walked on water too. But when he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the wind and waves instead...he panicked and started to sink. But Jesus caught him and helped him back into the boat. We learnt that Jesus will give us the strength to do the right things even when we are scared.
When asked
What's the FLIP?
Here's the FLIP!
we replied....