Sunday, August 26, 2007

Chipmunks visit.

Just a few cameos from our visit to Chipmunks on Sunday for our semester outing for you to enjoy.

Paul & Haydn hamming it up! Mackenzie & Julia rolling around the place.
Matt, Joshua, Zach, Noah enjoying the big slide.
Matt & Joshua....boy racers!

Auntie Debbie needing some sustenance.
And other leaders joining her.

Uncle John getting a different perspective on things.

Chelsea checking out the same view.
Charlotte trying to coax Saam to try out the slide.

Four friends trying out various games.
And waiting for drinks. Thanks to those patient Chipmunk staff who coped with us all and still kept smiling.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Paul is trying to find his way to the Flipside! Looks as if Uncle John has FLIPT!
MY! Someone is doing well with Priority stickers for bringing money for Joshua ....Promiseland's sponsored child. Better get that Power Buck shop well stocked Auntie Debbie!

Everyone finds something to enjoy at the beginning of Promiseland.

Promiseland band had everyone jumping and enjoying praising God together.

We had 2 birthdays this week.....Andrew and Auntie Yvonne.
Ross taught us this week's memory verse using "Pass the Parcel".....

And those who won a lollipop also got to hold one of the sheets of the memory verse.

It was:-
When we trust him, we are free to say whatever needs to be said,
bold to go wherever we need to go.
Ephesians 3:12.

Fun was had in a "Stick to the Truth" game. We learnt that horrid things said to us can "stick". But these things aren't true. If we let ourselves get FLIPT by Jesus, we can have confidence in who we are.
So this week.....
What's the FLIP?
Here's the FLIP

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What's the FLIPT?

Remember at Promiseland we always aim to make it the best hour and a half in the children's week. We hope the kids will have lots of fun as they learn about Jesus and and how he can FLIP our lives around. BTW...... it is not only the kids who have fun.................... Andrew is busy making a vase of flowers out of card and brightly coloured tissue paper. Great job Andrew.Hi girls!
Critics and onlookers round the face painting table. A popular spot each week.

Again a great time was had as we sang and worshipped the Lord with the Promiseland band.

Auntie Debbie reminded us to bring donations for our Mission Outreach this year. If the children could bring some cereal or lunch box items that we can fill these big brown bags with, then we can take a few children to the Auckland City Mission to give them an insight into what goes on there.
Auntie Anne taught the memory verse today. She thought it was the longest one we have learnt this year but the children were up for the challenge and soon were vying for the privilege of repeating it first.

It was...... 1 Corinthians 10:13
All you need to remember is
That God will never let you down
He'll never let you be pushed past your limit;
He'll always be there to help you come through it.
Who can remember what the knot in the handkerchief was for?
Uncle Matthew tested 3 young volunteers in the Temptation Game. But they all resisted temptation very well! We watched a video that told us how Satan met with Jesus and tried to tempt him. But Jesus stood up to him and never gave into temptation. We learnt that God will always help us deal with temptation and never let us be pushed past our limits.
and this week?

Small group time followed when the children were asked about real life situations and how the best way of dealing with them would be; helping to make the lesson real and relevant in young lives.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


We missed Auntie Debbie and all the Promiseland band members who had deserted us for Snow Camp this week. We managed to enjoy ourselves as you will find in the following photos....and we hope you had a great time also.
We even had the the Police on site this week, but they seemed more intent on enjoying themselves!
Some were practising for the ski fields next year !!!!!

and there was some major face painting going on....see below!

Auntie Heather and Auntie Mehrnaz were keeping all under control!

Promiseland out! You had major competition from Auntie Lorraine who got us all dancing and singing .....see everyone got involved!

As if that was not enough exercise Auntie Heather and Uncle John paired everyone off then put us through major contortions as we learnt the memory verse. Kids? your parents what to do and teach them the memory verse too.

It was "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13.

Uncle John showed off his muscles in an effort to persuade us to put our lives in his hands in the

Fall back and I'll catch you ....he said....some were not so trusting ......

We watched a video of a young girl learning to water ski.....and heard the story of Peter and how when Jesus walked out on the water to the disciples in the boat.....Peter got out and walked on water too. But when he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the wind and waves instead...he panicked and started to sink. But Jesus caught him and helped him back into the boat. We learnt that Jesus will give us the strength to do the right things even when we are scared.

When asked

What's the FLIP?

Here's the FLIP!
we replied....