Sunday, May 06, 2007
Your mission should you chose to accept it.....
Good to have the Promiseland Band leading us off again in worship today. Everyone enjoyed the singing and worshipping the Lord together. Great to have such enthusiastic singers .....thanks girls.

Auntie Hilary brought us the memory verse today. In the main church the parents were talking about "Confession is good for the soul" and we were learning that if we confess our sins God has promised to forgive us. Remember to learn the memory verse this week...you can earn a "Power Buck" next week if you can say it to your small group leader.
Uncle Matthew took us through the story of the ungrateful servant, who though the King had forgiven him a HUGE debt, found it impossible to forgive his fellow servant who owed him a minor debt by comparison. He also told us about Peter who thought he was so good because he would forgive his brother 7 times! What did Jesus say in reply? He said you need to forgive 7x70...which Charlotte (our resident mathematician) said was 490 times!! That's a lot of times isn't it! So Jesus was telling us that we need to forgive and keep forgiving. That can be hard at times can't it?