This week we were missing so many leaders from
Promiseland.....they were away at a
Kidsreach seminar picking up new ideas for us to do in the weeks ahead. Auntie Gill came back with two great crafts for the kids to do.....they could either make a stained glass window with using the outline of
their hand to start it .....or they could make a special bookmark. Thanks Auntie Gill.....everyone had a great time trying these crafts out.

See everyone is getting involved!

Here's how to make the bookmark.

And here is how to start off your "stained glass window".

Uncle Ross has recently had a book he wrote he is proudly showing off a copy.

At the other side of the room those without crafty intent preferred to play games

Then it was time
to sing again with the
Promiseland band......some look a little unsure....

Auntie Lorraine was standing in for Auntie Debbie today and did a wonderful job.

Each year group was asked to sign the memory verse for today as a reminder that each of us can call on God at any time and he promises to answer.

Then we were challenged to accept the mission that was delivered by this shady character......

in this special overnight delivery box......

It was a coded message.....each group got down to it......some had the answers worked out before others had opened the envelope....

hope you all ended up with the right answers.....

We were reminded that God promises to answer our prayers.....but sometimes the answers are not always "Yes" as we would wish. Sometimes God says No (red light) or wait (amber).

In the small groups the children were told about Jonah's prayer in the whale, about Mary & Martha asking Jesus to heal Lazarus and then the prayer that Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Can you see if you remember what the answer to these 3 prayers were and tell your mum or dad?
Parents it was really neat to have more children pray themselves in the small group times.....keep encouraging them at home to make prayer part of their regular daily practice.