"Great is the Lord and mighty in power" Psalm 147:5
We remembered the story of how the disciples were out in a boat on the lake when a bad storm came up. They thought they saw a ghost walking on the water, but it was Jesus. "Don't be afraid it is I" Jesus said. Peter got out of the boat and and started to walk toward Jesus. When he saw the wind he began to sink, until Jesus took his hand and caught him. The disciples then believed that Jesus was the Son of God.
Auntie Heather wanted to walk across the plank of wood......but how could she trust it? She had to check it out first that it wasn't too flimsy, sit on it and bounce on it to check it could hold her and then she was ready to try to walk across. This is how we learn to trust God. By testing that he is totally reliable and then being willing to trust him with everything. Are you ready to walk across the plank of life with Jesus? Remember that Great is our Lord and mighty in power!