Sunday, February 18, 2007

Come to Jerusalem.

Mums and dads, welcome to Jerusalem! The Promiseland room has been transformed over the next few weeks into the city of Jerusalem. You will find members of the 12 tribes of Israel present, ask your children to which tribe they belong. Come and visit and walk round the market stalls too. This is Gemma. It was her first day with us. Hi Gemma! Rabbi Levi was busy at the rabbinical school teaching the hebrew alphabet to willing students.
In the middle of all the normal hustle and bustle of the market, one lady sought out her husband to tell him that the King was here! She had seen him, riding into the city on the back of a donkey. People had laid down cloaks and palm branches in front of the donkey so the King could ride over them and they all kept shouting Hosanna! Hosanna! No! No ! she said this was not Caesar but the King of the Jews. Her husband was not impressed.....he would need some more convincing.
There were bakers.

there were potters!
There was a wise woman.....(or was that two?)

We learnt new songs and dances to worship the Lord with . Everyone got the hang of them quickly and had great fun as we sang them together. Thanks Promiseland band!

People gathered round the well to chat as they have done for centuries.
And there were opportunities to try out weaving too.
I wonder what will happen in Jerusalem next Sunday? Better come and see!