We enjoyed singing with the Promiseland band some great songs. The favourite today was :-
Open the eyes of my heart Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see you I want to see you I want to see you (Repeat 4 times)
To see You high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing holy, holy, holy
Repeat verse 1 - 2 times Repeat verse2 - 3 times Holy, holy, holy Holy,holy, holy Holy, holy, holy I want to see you (Repeat 2 times) I want to see you
Remember to bring your money for our sponsored child.....you get a priority sticker for doing so.....5 priority stickers and you get a special prize.
Mehrnaz had the memory verse for us today.....we were given an envelope with lots of words in it and we had to put it together to get the verse. Lots of paper shuffling ensued.....
But eventually...........
.........eventually we were able to put them together to get........
Can you remember it ?
Time now to start reminding ourselves of the Christmas story. Today we heard again how the angel appeared to Mary, who became Jesus' mother, and later to Joseph who was engaged to Mary at the time. The angel said that not only would the baby be called Jesus but he would be given the name Emmanuel. Can you remember what that name means?? Yes! It means "God with us".
Detective Dragnet reminded us of some of the Christmas symbols and told us what they meant.
In small group time we saw what we could remember about the symbols and also heard the story of how the "candy cane" came to be. Can you tell your mum or dad today something about the story??