We had a HUGE end of term bash called the FOOD FRENZY PARTY!!!! and what fun we had!
We iced beautiful biscuits and made funny faces in our desserts and spent our Power Bucks at the SHOP! We came away with really cool stuff to play with, colour in and use in our rooms!
We had a wonderful long time of worship with our brilliant band, RTK (Rep The King) and then Uncle John brought the Gospel message by helping us to understand the meaning of the memory verses we have been memorizing this term (who remembers them??!). This was a very special time!
Then we spent some time biting marshmallows off strings, passing onion chips with straws and hanging out with leaders and each other. :)
The leaders are now having a bit of a break and time to prepare for next term while the kids are looking forward to Maria taking them for some fun as times during the holidays!