Promiselanders were back in action this week. Anyone accidentally walking in would wonder how so much fun can be had by so many in a church! Yes a church!

Mental stimulation!

Artistic creation!

Oh yes...the computer nerds of course!

and the industrious.....


and the boys who will be boys!

Do you recall the story of the 2 old friends? One became a judge and the other appeared before him as a criminal. The judge had to find him guilty and have him put in jail. But then he took of his robes and went and paid the fine for his friend so the friend could go free.
That's what Jesus has done for each of us.

Auntie Heather had Bartholomew help her tell the story of Jesus and his death on the cross. We thought of the 2 thieves crucified on either side of Jesus and how one made a good choice that day and the other made a bad choice. We all have to choose at some point whether we will follow after Jesus, and ask his forgiveness for all we have done wrong.