Another week, another fun time at Promiseland.

She taught us the Golden rule!

Then told us the story of the Ten Boom family who lived above their clockmakers shop in Haarlem in Holland. This family lived by the Golden Rule and always treated others right.

Corrie and her sister Bettie ran a girls' clubs in Haarlem but when the Nazis invaded in 1940 they had to close down the club.

Auntie Glenys broke into the story at this point to teach us the memory verse for the day. Can you work it out again from the picture below?
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

The story then continued. Remember the way the Ten Boom family hid the Jews from the Nazis? And how one day they were taken prisoner and sent to concentration camps? About the miracle of getting the Bible and the special vitamin bottle into the camp? What was there to be thankful about the fleas in their cabin? Yes the 2 sisters were able to share the Bible with all the other ldaies in that cabin because the guards were afraid of the fleas.

Unfortunately Bettie died in that camp and shortly afterwards Corrie was freed, and made her way back to Holland.

But the hardest thing she ever had to do was forgive and shake hands with a former prisoner guard who had been very unkind to her sister Bettie. But Corrie knew she couldn't teach others about the forgiveness of God if she couldn't forgive this guard. So she took his hand and forgave him and felt the love of Jesus pouring through her .

Thank you Auntie Glenys. Everyone enjoyed that special story!