But those who control their tongues are wise.
Proverbs 10:19.
Thanks Ross, that was fun!
Thanks Ross, that was fun!
Uncle John then reminded us that we are thinking of Metamorphosis and how God wants to change us. Today we learnt that God wants us to transform our talk, from talk that is hurtful to talk that is helpful and encouraging to others. He told us the story of of the Insect-Inside circus and it's leader Bugliacci, and the real mean Fleeago, who spread untrue rumours about, until the circus had to disband. Can you remember the story and tell your mum or dad? There were 2 ways to help get gossip out of our lives. We can stop and forget the story we have just been told or we can go straight to the person who the gossip was about and ask if it was true. These are 2 ways you can take God's wisdom from the Bible and let God transform this area of your life!
Wasn't this new song fun to sing as we worshipped God with the band?