Mums and Dads....please note that there will be a dress rehearsal
for the Promiseland production on Saturday December 16th
from 3-5pm. Please ...we need to see your children then.
The Children's Ministry Production and the Prizegiving will be
on Sunday December 17th at the 10:30am service.
We would love to see you all there!
Katie led us in a praise and worship time!
Ably aided by Jessica on the overhead.
It's the same memory verse this week!
We sang it again.

Everyone made crackers. Thanks Gillian for showing us how!
Brown’s Bay Senior Living in Woodlands Crescent.
Auntie Lorraine and Uncle John practising for our break up production.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....don't tell your mum and dad anymore
they must come to see you on Sunday December 17th!