Rachel prettying up Auntie Lorraine! What a princess!
The movers and shakers of the Promiseland team !!!
Some impressive face painting!! Can he kick for goal now?
Auntie Heather had the job of teaching us the loooooooooooooooongest memory verse of the year. She brought along Bartholomew to help but he only got up to mischief until he snuggled up to Auntie Debbie and fell asleep.
Everyone sorted through the part of the verse they had been given.......
and eventually it all got put together in one long line. Now who can remember it? David taught us how to sing it afterwards which made it easier! Try singing it to your mum or dad.
These 3 brave Promiselanders got up and said the verse straight through!! WELL DONE!
We ended Promiseland by watching a video where people acted out the true Christmas story together. Maybe you could think you could do that at home with your family this Christmas so you remember that