Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Extravaganza!

Sunday saw the final day of the year for many of the children's activities. We had tots singing, cows mooing, sheep baaing, camels braying, solos, duets, dances,talk show host,angels of all shapes and sizes, shepherds, kings, Mary & Joseph.......what is missing from this list?
Yes of course!
The Baby Jesus.
Without Him there would have been no Christmas.
For to us a child is born
to us a Son is given
And the government will be upon his shoulders
and he shall be called
Wonderful counsellor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Thank you for Coming Lord Jesus. We celebrate your birthday!
Hope you enjoy all the photos from the morning as you browse through.
Happy Christmas
from all at
Promiseland, Ignition, Little Peebles, Club Bubs and Mainly Music.

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

15 Sleeps till Christmas

Remember Mums and Dads!
We need your children!
Saturday 16th December
from 3 - 5 pm
for a rehearsal
Sunday 17th December 10:30am
the Children's Ministry Production
Paul just loves getting his face painted each Sunday.
Glad to see Hayden fully recovered from the scare he gave everyone on Friday night when he collapsed at church and had an exciting ride in an ambulance! Here he is helping with the singing this Sunday.

Everyone listening intently to Auntie Debbie as she explains all about our production next Sunday for the Promiseland break up.
Charlotte looks very serious this week as she mans the overhead as we sang praise and worship songs to our God.
Aunite Debbie showed us how to make stars for our Christmas trees. It was fun and easy and here are some of the finished articles!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas countdown 3

Mums and Dads....please note that there will be a dress rehearsal
for the Promiseland production on Saturday December 16th
from 3-5pm. Please ...we need to see your children then.
The Children's Ministry Production and the Prizegiving will be
on Sunday December 17th at the 10:30am service.
We would love to see you all there!
Some more facial decorating going on this Sunday!

Katie led us in a praise and worship time!

Ably aided by Jessica on the overhead.

It's the same memory verse this week!

We sang it again.

Danielle had a birthday on Friday! Here she is chosing a gift from the Birthday Box.

Everyone made crackers. Thanks Gillian for showing us how!

The finished articles! These crackers are to go to
Brown’s Bay Senior Living in Woodlands Crescent.

Auntie Lorraine and Uncle John practising for our break up production.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....don't tell your mum and dad anymore

they must come to see you on Sunday December 17th!

Survivor Dinner.

All the Children's Ministry helpers were invited to a SURVIVOR dinner
at Northcross Community Church on
Saturday December 2nd.
AS you can see from the photos below those who had survived the year
in Promiseland, Jumpstart, Club Bubs, Little Pebbles and Mainly Music
were ready for any challenge!

Thanks to all those faithful helpers!
We couldn't do it without you.
A very special THANK YOU to Debbie Bosse
who keeps it all going.