Everyone has fun at the start of Promiseland.....whether physical activity....
or intellectual stimulation

everything is done with deep concentration........
and smiles.....!

Then it is time to sing praises to the Lord led by the Promiseland band.
Then it is time to listen to Auntie Debbie, for birthday calls, for remembering Joshua, and collecting cereals and snack bars to send to the Auckland City Mission.
The memory verse this week was from Colossians 3:13

Uncle Babak showed us when he threw a ball against the wall it came back to him....he had some of the children try this too... Then he told us how when we don't forgive others who hurt us, then the hurt and the pain of the problem just keep bouncing back in our faces. Believe it or not, hard as it can be, forgiving changes things and makes the situation better. We heard the story of how Peter let Jesus down three times when he denied he knew the Lord. But Jesus forgave him...... for free!
So this weeks FLIP is....yes!....Forgive for Free!
Small group time followed as the children played a board game and found that forgiving people who hurt us is the real way to move forward.

That was the final day of Promiseland for this semester. There will be activities available for Promiseland kids during the break.
or intellectual stimulation

everything is done with deep concentration........
Then it is time to sing praises to the Lord led by the Promiseland band.

Then the lolly scramble......."hey Auntie Debbie....I'm over here!!!!"

That was the final day of Promiseland for this semester. There will be activities available for Promiseland kids during the break.