The Promiseland band helped to set the mood as they warmed up while everyone was finding their teams and starting on the worksheet.
Auntie Heather was our compere again on "THE SHOW YOU KNOW POP QUIZ"
With contestants from "the Miracles" team
And contestants from "the God Squad" team.
Who won? It was a draw!
The Promiseland leaders shared a simple illustration of the story of salvation with the congregation. We learned that this world has one major fault....SIN...and Jesus came to earth to be the sacrifice for our sin. Now because of Jesus' love for us, we don't need to give God sacrifices like they did in the Old Testament. When Jesus died he was the perfect sacrifice, the only one we would ever need. Because of Jesus' sacrifice, we can ask for forgiveness of our sins. If you have never asked Jesus' to forgive your sins before about doing it now?